
Hello guys it's StudyMan99 here. Welcome to my page! This is a WIP right now XD stay tuned for updates!

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Hello guys it's StudyMan99 here. Man I forgot that I made the last post here. I was really freaking out that last time because my dog was like really sick. He uh. died 2 days after that post. Not to get depressing. Thats just. yeah. It still hurts. And I think it always will. But I'm okay. He was here for 14 years. I'm just glad that he isn't in pain anymore. aaaa okay no more sad that is really sad god fuck vdfgbnurgeojisdfvoubgeri Yeah pretty much after that happened I haven't really done shit. Like i tried to record videos but it was just like so bad. Ima still release those videos tho because yeah. Also im really happy that im a real person?? is that weird?? like . all this AI shit man. its so stupid. people who use chatgbt?? or whatever to make videos???????????????? thats so dumb????? tho i mean i guess it could have perks or whatever but like????????? idk its just so dumb. AI shit is only good when its like making certain voices sing other songs. Like frank sinatra singing the evangelion op XDDDDDDDDDD iT GOES SO HARD LIKE??????????????? god i really love neocities also like this place is just so good. i wish all of the internet was just this nice XDDD. Fuck social media. Its horrible. I feel like I should make a place where i put these older stories instead of just cloggin the main page LOL XDD oh thats a good idea ill do that now XD. ok i did it yay XD Welp now im doing that XDDD GOODBYE
